Feb 5, 2022
Black Cliffs Partners is honored to share that we earned one of the 10 Best of SLC Employers for 2022. We are additionally pleased that the recognition comes as Best for Employee Growth — meeting the employee goals and values.
Best of SLC™ surveys "tens of thousands of votes and even more reviews from 100,000+ Salt Lake area residents each year! Due to this massive level of participation at Inbound Systems, we're able to discover who is truly worthy of the title, Best of SLC."
Michael Lunt, Managing Partner at Black Cliffs Partners, reacted by saying, "Our employees are making a valuable contribution and impact on many businesses and the people they serve. We can't express enough how much their work is appreciated and love to see they have a meaningful career that aligns with their goals and values."
Ben DeVoe, Managing Partner at Black Cliffs Partners, echoed this sentiment by adding, "As a young company, it's extremely gratifying to be able to rank among so many great businesses in Salt Lake. We are all proud of this accomplishment and look forward to continuing our success with our strong family values and appreciation for each other."
All on the management team want to take this opportunity to thank our exceptional, dedicated employees for making BCP a successful and one of the best places to work!